so quite a bit happened todayfirst of all, i went to GoodBytes (GoodWill but electronics) and they had mario kart ds??? it was 10 bucks but i still bought it since i really prefer playing it on actual hardware rather than emulating it (i also could have had my dad help me re-hack my 3ds but when will i ever get to that?? also cartridges are cool), but anyway im really excited xD
it still had the save file of this dude who's username was $SK8RKING$ from like 14 years ago, they had almost everything unlocked except for I think R.O.B and the last 2 cups in 150cc but that was it, they also had beaten all the missions with very good scores. i ended up resetting it but it's still cool :D
so after that whole shebang i went home and fixed the About Me page over here, apparently i forgot to signify the end of a couple divs and it messed up the whole page lol. idk how i managed to do that since i swear it was fine before, but its fixed now so whatever lolol
also i just spent a bunch of time getting every single tamagotchi wallpaper file i could find (that i would use at least) and compiled them into my MyMeets folder cuz for some reason my old one was acting weird? but yeah i replaced everything and now i have way more stuff than before :D i also finally married off my tama and started my 2 other ons :D (those aren't pictured here; it got too late and i couldnt take pics)

idk what else to say here so im gonna go work on the Tamagotchi Sites project, see ya :D
i forgot to save before SAFARI refreshed my PAGE so now i gotta REWRITE the ENTIRE THING D:anyway, spring break starts tomorrow yayyyy xD with a week off i can finally work on my personal projects, which is perfect because now i have 2 more than my original 2 (started with this website and what I like to refer to as Codename SV [dont ask], but now i have the Tamagotchi Websites project and this other really dumb writing project which is really just a joke but im still gonna pour a bunch of time into it lol [same kinda thing as Codename SV but less severe... ive literally been working on SV almost every day for like a year and a half jfkdlajfkl])
also, my tamagotchi evolved yesterday :D i forgot to blog about it lol but she's super cute

she managed to get the Nigifuwatchi wings from her great-great grandparents?? i remember tamas getting genes from their great-grandparents but never that 0_0 another reason that i'm gonna keep her for a while, but also she's really cute haha
speaking of vpets, i think im gonna run something this week, idk what exactly, but i do know that it's gonna be something that's higher maintainence yet doesn't take too long to raise since ive got only a little over a week
but back to my projects, i made this cool reindition of the Mametchi computer render thingie for the Tamagotchi Websites project, i think it turned out pretty well :D i made it specifically for the banner but idk if ill keep it there

i think that i might have removed a bit of the doodle-esque thing the original had going on since i made my lines extra straight especially on the table and computer, but i think it looks okay :D i dont think putting it side-by-side with the original does it justice though because the original is ever so slightly better haha
also dude im using this hour i have free today to listen to Not Quite At Budokan by The Szuters and I swear You're The One sounds exactly like something I've heard, I'll add a lil note here when I figure that out
idk ill update this later aaaaaa
i just spent like 20 minutes looking at archived tamagotchi websites, it was really cool (ill have a page dedicated to that kinda thing at some point)but uhhh i have an essay due tomorrow that im only like a quarter done with 0_0 i really need to work on it lol (instead of updating my blog and looking at the internet archive like i am right this moment jfkdljaflk
but its okay cuz i found a bunch of cool things i could probably use on my website yeah its fine im totally fine with the fact that im way behind on my essay yeah sure
anyway i think that, with spring break coming up, i want to actually expand on this website, since i made it ive wanted to use it to kinda compile files and info from the tamagotchi websites (especially the japanese 2010's era ones) for a couple reasons
- all the files ive collected are kinda jumbled
- due to the language barrier i tended to rush through them and not really read what was on them
- i want to make some kind of sitemap for each of them because, also due to the language barrier, they can be a bit difficult to naviage fully
- i wanna steal their backgrounds n whatnot heheheheh
hiiii, first update in a few days lolnot much has happened since, though, except for today because i had the day off :D today was ACT day and I don't have to test... yet 0_0'
yeah im really scared for whenever i'm gonna have to take the ACT because I don't know if i'll be able to listen to music and doing any normal test without it is a disaster, and it's gotten worse over the years ;-; yeah I just can't focus on the test, it's like all the information leaves my brain whenever they put it in front of me if i don't have music to calm my mind down enough to do the test haha
but anyway, that's not what i wanted to come here and talk about lol, i wanted to talk about my tamagotchi :D
i made a new case last night using what was the same exact yarn i used for my first case ever which was cool :D ive improved a lot since then ^^

it's swirly :D

i had this issue where I think I did one row too many and it ended up being way too lose and the tamagotchi would occasionally just fall out or would shift in the case when I'd use it, not only that but i used a faux magic circle (putting the stitches into a single chain instead of an actual magic circle, which causes it to be loose since you can't pull it tight as easy as you can with a magic circle) which caused that big hole where I started the project

also, yeah, he's an adult now :D i married him off (once again in MyMeets since I'm still grounded from my phone) and got another boy earlier today
anyway, yeah, i think thats it, i should go sleep lol
see you ^^
dude i am so bad at updating this fjkdlafjkalso apparently the images i had here just dissapeared for a bit? so i just went in and fixed all those, sorry about that haha
anyway, i did some stuff with MyMeets today! i got a bunch of new wallpapers (found 'em here ) and i married off my tamagotchi (finally), i would have used Mixing Meets for that but im grounded rn ^_^'
anyway i got a boy, named him carpet cuz ive had this tamagotchi for so long ive run out of original names (also I ended up using the Chamametchi Room wallpaper cuz its adorable)

also i finally got around to listening to American Pop by The Szuters and im only halfway through but i love it so much already, i should probably download it and add it to my albums list
oh, yeah, ive been downloading a bunch of music recently bc i might be going on a road trip soon, and with the ride being 8 hours down and back i think it would be more convinent to download music the old-fashioned way than to stream it (not only that but im grounded and I think i still will be grounded by the time we go if i go with at all grahhhh)
but honestly i've realized recently that i really prefer doing music this way because now i dont have to deal with ads or the page refreshing itself (i use safari and that happens sometimes), so thats cool :D
3/19/24 - 3/20/24
i started this entry yesterday but i didnt finish so im just gonna combine the twobut anyway, i started bringing my 3ds to school again and i found 2 new people yesterday :D i hadn't brought it in like 5 months and back then I'd just get the same 3 or 4 miis so its really cool to see some new people ^^
and in getting 2 new tags, my streetpass plaza population reached 50 miis (after like 8 years haha) :D in getting that i unlocked a new plaza theme so that was cool, i honestly think that the one for 10(?) miis was better but oh well
so about my tamagotchis; theyre adults now :D (sorry for the bad lighting on these photos btw)

oh also this morning i had Cool Cat by Queen stuck in my head for some reason and after listening to it i found out that it's got to be one of my favorite Queen songs, just listen to it its such a vibe
man i was gonna say something here, ill probably add it when i remember lol
ill probably update this tomorrow, see you
hiya, long time no see hahastarted up my tamagotchi on and, since
i'd actually started it up quite a while ago, but I needed a break so I took the batteries out
amyway, i've got twin toddlers now :D

oh, yeah, I made this really cute looking case out of some multicolored yarn i got recently, i really like the shades of blue ^^

also here's some photos from when I married my last tama off (the tamagotchi from my last tama log)

idk what else to say here fjdklajfdklas
woo hoo another blog postagain, not much has happened, burnt my finger tho ;u;
yeah i forgot my moms only oven mitt has a hole and i used it on the side that had the hole and i touched a pizza pan that was still in the oven for some reason as i was trying to take it out so ouch
i listened to the szuters (the album) for the first time yesterday tho, id only listened to their music released in the US (under Magna-Fi) before this and, as expected, i really liked it hehehe
anyway yeah nothing else new to report so see you :D