Tamagotchi On + 4u Log (2/18/24 - 2/23/24)
note: this page is very fucked up and is gonna look like crap on basically every window size because i fucked it up
Welcome to the first tamagotchi log on this website!
Also, yeah, I made this entire page themed around the tamagotchis im running which were themed around this cool bag I made which was based off of a pouch from this page over at Gotchi Garden, btw)
Idk what else to say here, so here's the first entry! :D
I started this at like 8:30 PM, so the image lighting is going to be a bit weird
Anyway, I just put batteries in them and got new tamas :D I reset my 4U, and since my last tamagotchi died on my On I just got a brand new egg. I got a boy on my 4U and a girl on my On ^^

also I still have my wallpaper from christmas lol

With a boy on my 4u, I really hope I can get either Kuchipatchi or Spacytchi, or maybe Orenetchi (he's a favorite of mine). Im not gonna try and get either Mametchi or Kuromametchi because I cant really take care of a tamagotchi well enough to get a good-care character, let alone while running 2 at once
As for my On, im just going to go for a pink character. I'll probably get some new wallpapers and whatnot to match the theme, too :]
Anyway, there's not much else to really say here, so I'll update this tomorrow when theyre toddlers ^^
as expected, i didnt update yesterday fdkfjksjf
but honestly I didnt need to, not much happened. i decided to try and get mametchi on the 4u though and started trying to get invention skillpoints

also i finally changed the wallpaper on the On, i think its really cute :D (link to where I got it on the right)

other than that not much else happened, ill (try to lol) update tomorrow hopefully after i marry off the On :D
quite a bit happened today!! i got mametchi on my 4u and already went through all his personality stages lol

the same morning i also got nijifuwatchi on the On ^^ im really happy i got her because she doesnt have any of the genes that stick for like 7 generations lol (the mametchi ears.... fjdlafjkdlsfj)

after i got home i married her off to tuxedo sam in the app (the mixing meets app, ill put a link in the left div thingie when i get a chance) and got twins

I'll update this tomorrow when probably when theyre toddlers, so... see you then :D (man idk how to end these)
2/23/24 [END]
hii so uh bad news
mametchi ran away after i forgot to take him to the babysitter D: that kinda made me want to take the batteries out for the time being but thats okay ^^
i raised my second generation On to adults, they ended up really cute though i did go into Magic Hut and change their colors (ik thats cheating sorry fjdkjfksdajf)

So i think that with them being adults and the batteries out of my 4U, i think ill take the batteries out of my On too and wrap this run up
this was really fun to do; ive never actually went through with a tamalog as well as this one and im really proud of how it turned out :) i really hope to do another one soon (im pretty sure i will, ive got a vpet coming in the mail for my bday that would be really cool to log) so...
man i forgot how to end this again so... bye :D